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Membership and application

Click on the video below to view a short introduction to SÄKU

Companies, organizations and individuals that have an interest in safety culture, risk,  human factors, health and occupational safety can join the association. Individual memberships are only allowed for students, retirees and the unemployed. Each member appoints a responsible member representative and one or more contact persons.


If a company or an organization becomes member of SÄKU, all of its employees are automatically covered by the SÄKU membership. Temporarily hired personnel, contractors and consultants who work solely for a member organization and who have five or fewer employees are also covered by the membership.


The association fee is paid every calendar year and consists of a membership fee which is VA free and a service charge that is exclusive of VAT. The membership and service fee amounts are decided by the association’s management at the general meeting. The association fee is based on the size of the member organization regarding the number of employees in order to make it more fair. The association fee for membership for the year 2024 is shown in the box below.

The membership fee is used to cover the expenses of goods and services that only the association's members have access to or use. Examples of this can be the management of the member part of the website and administration costs to the extent that the administration works with the member business. The service fee is used to cover the cost of goods and services that relate to non-members. Examples of this are costs for open events and the time that the secretariat works to organize open events and to handle the "open" / external website.


The association fee shall be paid no later than May 30 each year in order for the association member to have the right to vote at the general meeting. Each member has one vote at the general meeting. By proxy, a member is able to vote for a maximum of one other member.


A member is offered:

  • Access to the member section of the website, where the following are available:

    • SÄKUPlay (video recordings from completed events)

    • Materials and presentations from completed events

    • Contact information of the other members for easier networking among the association's activities

    • The SÄKU Library - a constantly growing collection of resources where you can find materials that can inspire, support learning, and be used in your work with health and safety

  • Opportunities for cross-industry meetings

  • Access to the association's LinkedIn page

  • Participation in seminars/webinars and events: Approximately 7-10 times a year (Most in Swedish), including the annual SÄKU Conference.


For you who become a member, there is a unique opportunity to influence the content and focus of the network's future activities.


Application for membership of the association is done by emailing the following information to the association's secretariat: contact details of the organization, the organization’s member representative and one or more contact person(s).


In order to become a student member, you must be able to show a registration certificate for your program / courses that corresponds to at least 50% study pace for at least two periods (one semester / half year), i.e. what CSN defines as eligible for receiving study grants.

Proof of being a retiree or unemployed must also be shown when applying for membership for these categories. 

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