Mon, Apr 27
27/4, Göteborg: A Framework of Cultural Aspects That Facilitate Safety in Heavy Industry in Sweden
Padraic Dempsey visits SÄKU to give a presentation on his thesis in which he has drawn out cultural aspects to create a internationally validated framework to facilitate safety (improvement) across heavy industry in Sweden. The thesis was conducted at the Cranfield Universiy in England.
Time & Place
Apr 27, 2020, 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM
AFRY (ÅF), Grafiska vägen 2a, 412 63 Göteborg, Sverige
About the event
Despite having a high level of focus on safety culture within industry, there has been an increasing number of industry-related fatalities in Sweden in the years between 2015 and 2018. Several studies highlight the important role of safety culture in determining the frequency of accidents in the workplace, but there is no unanimously accepted definition of what safety culture means and also scant agreement on its indicators.
In order to find a practicable way of how the above could be handled, Padraic Dempsey, then working as Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt at Alfa Laval, wrote a thesis on the subject during 2019 at the Cranfield University in England.
SÄKU members were asked to participate in an anonymous survey that were taken into account in the finished thesis.
The aim of the thesis was to develop a framework of cultural aspects within companies that lead (or have led) to the current level of safety within those companies. The thesis investigates and explores the variations between incident investigation techniques and the underlying foundations of how safety is (or is not) engrained in employee’s daily lives. It follows through on the awareness of employees and aims to draw out cultural aspects to create a framework to facilitate safety (improvement) across heavy industry in Sweden.
The thesis shows that the proposed and internationally validated framework connecting the aspects of culture to safety has a major role to play in all companies as it addresses all aspects of ‘daily life’ in companies. It encompasses both the incident/accident arena as well as begins the journey of inclusion of the psychological aspects of safety. The framework is also supported by three safety experts in Sweden.
Padraic now works for the company Radinn, where the framework/method also has been implemented at the production site in Poland. At this seminar Padraic will present the thesis and also the practice of implementing the framework into an organization.
The event will be held in English.
Registration and fee
Register by using the buttom "Anmäl dig!" ovan eller nedan.
Last date for registration is Tuesday the 21st of April.
In case of free seats, the event is also available to attend for none members. The registration fee is then 900 SEK plus VAT per attendee. The fee applies if you register for the event but do not attend.
kl 13.00 – ca 15.00-15.30
Presentation, time for discussion and reflexion and coffee break/time for networking.
Information related to GDPRI
When applying to the event, you will be registered in a Registration Form. When register, you agree to have you name and email address printed on an attendee list that will be handled out to the attendees during the event.
The information in the Registration Form is only used for compiling the number of participants and to gather information regarding allergies/food preferences among the attendees. The information is saved during a two month period, and will then be anonymized. If the registered person is not on the SÄKU mailing list, the person will be added.
When applying to the event, the registered person agrees to have their voices and perhaps themselves recorded in a video during the event, if such a recording will be made. The video recording is made with a learning purpose in mind and will be published at the member page on the SÄKU webpage. The video recording is only intended for SÄKU members.
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